
Changes to Bureau Veritas’ corporate governance

Published : 05.09.2023

A new chapter in Bureau Veritas’ history opened following the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on June 22: as announced, Hinda Gharbi was appointed Chief Executive Officer, succeeding Didier Michaud-Daniel. The Board of Directors of Bureau Veritas expressed its sincere thanks to Didier Michaud-Daniel for “the tremendous work he has accomplished at the Group over more than 10 years, and the major role he has played in shaping Bureau Veritas’ success“.

Didier Michaud-Daniel also became Senior Advisor to Wendel’s investment teams, with effect from July 1.

Appointments to the Board of Directors and creation of a CSR Committee

Following Aldo Cardoso’s resignation after 17 years on the Bureau Veritas Board of Directors, the Board unanimously appointed Laurent Mignon as Chairman of the Board, with effect from June 22.

Laurent Mignon praised Aldo Cardoso’s commitment, together with management, to support Bureau Veritas’ development for the benefit of the Group and its shareholders. He said he was honored to be appointed “as a new chapter in the Group’s history opens“ with the appointment of Hinda Gharbi.

Pascal Lebard was appointed Lead Independent Director and Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors. He has sat on the Board as an independent Director since 2013 and is Chairman of the Nomination & Compensation Committee.

Julie Avrane was appointed Chair of the Strategy Committee, replacing Laurent Mignon.

All Bureau Veritas Board Committees are now chaired by an independent Director.

The Board also decided to set up a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Committee, which will be chaired by Ana Giros Calpe.

All the resolutions put to the vote at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting were adopted, including the approval of the parent company and consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2022, and the payment of a dividend of €0.77 per share.

For more information, please read the press release available on our website.