
Laurent Mignon appointed Group CEO of Wendel

Published : 30.11.2022

On September 16, 2022, the Supervisory Board of Wendel, chaired by Nicolas ver Hulst, appointed Laurent Mignon Member of the Executive Board and Group CEO of Wendel, effective December 2, 2022. He will succeed André François-Poncet, Wendel’s current Group CEO, who will step down as of the evening of December 1, 2022. Wendel’s Executive Board will then be composed of Laurent Mignon, Group CEO, and David Darmon, Deputy Group CEO and member of the Executive Board since 2019.

Nicolas ver Hulst, Chairman of Wendel’s Supervisory Board, said:

“On behalf of the Supervisory Board, I am extremely pleased that Laurent Mignon is joining us to become Group CEO of Wendel. Laurent has held a number of leadership positions in the financial industry, and he brings a wealth of experience. Throughout his career, he has been instrumental in transforming the companies he has run, focusing on creating value for the long term. Laurent shares Wendel’s values and displays all the qualities—personal and professional—to open a new chapter in our long history. He will partner with David Darmon and lead Wendel’s talented team.

On behalf of the entire Supervisory Board, I would like to pay tribute to André’s remarkable achievements as Wendel Group CEO since January 2018. André has perfectly executed the mission he was given, and this in spite of a difficult business environment with Covid19 followed by the current war in Ukraine. He leaves Wendel in order, with a simplified portfolio, a good financial standing, and a recognized ESG performance. We would like to thank him for all he has accomplished, and also for contributing to today’s transition.”


Laurent Mignon said:

“I am proud and happy to join the Wendel team, and I would like to thank Nicolas ver Hulst and all the members of the Supervisory Board. I am honored by the trust they have placed in me by appointing me Group CEO. They can count on my commitment to develop Wendel while respecting its history and values, in the interest of all its shareholder.”

Biography of Laurent Mignon

Laurent Mignon has been CEO of Groupe BPCE since June 2018. He is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of Natixis and a director of CNP Assurances. In addition to his duties within Groupe BPCE, he sits on the Board of Directors of Arkema and the AROP (a not-for-profit association promoting the Paris National Opera) and as a censor of Oddo BHF and Fimalac boards.

After graduating from HEC in 1986 and from the Stanford Executive Program, Laurent Mignon worked for Banque Indosuez for over 10 years, initially in capital markets, then in corporate & investment banking. In 1996, he joined Banque Schroders in London, then AGF (Assurances Générales de France) in 1997 as Chief Financial Officer.

He was appointed to the AGF Executive Committee in 1998, then as Deputy Chief Executive Officer in charge of Banque AGF, AGF Asset Management and AGF Immobilier (Real Estate) in 2002, then in charge of life insurance & financial services and credit insurance in 2003. In 2006, he was appointed Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Executive Committee.

From mid-2007 to 2009, he was a managing partner at Oddo & Cie. Laurent Mignon served as Chief Executive Officer of Natixis from 2009 to 2018 and has been a member of the Management Board of BPCE since 2013.